Where Is My Traffic Going? It’s Not Coming To WordPress!

Tucker Carlson Moscow RU

I know my 52FLC website is shadow-banned or blocked somehow. 4k average hits are getting to CloudFlare, but WordPress only has 8 human visitors. Dang, Why can’t I figure? It out? It’s a known fact that gatekeepers control what consumers find while using their search indexes. How is big tech…

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Elon Musk Made A Wise Decision Dumping Spam-Bot-Infested Twitter

Elin Musk Twitter

Elon Musk made a wise decision dumping bot-infested Twitter. I’m thinking the number of spam-bot accounts is huge. Back during the 2016 presidential campaign and during his presidency Donald Trump would post a tweet and almost instantaneously he would be attacked. Back then we used to call the blue-checked accounts…

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