Tucker Carlson Elon Musk Interview Full Replay Part-1 04/17/23

Tucker Carlson Elon Musk Interview full instant video replay part-1 04/17/23. This is a great must-watch interview about the perceived dangers of AI gaining control over humans. Mr. Musk talks about how one political party is programming AI to lie and even possibly rig elections. I must add this stuff can be outright spooky. Media spokesperson Jack Posibiek posted AI-created videos to Twitter recently. The first was of Alvin Bragg saying he was dropping all charges on Donald Trump. It fooled me and was later disclosed as Satire. The second deep-fake Is of DOJ Merrick Garland arresting gamers (below.)

Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Elon Musk Interview part-1 04/17/23. Video credit, FoxNews/PatriotNetwork/Rumble

CNN Tech reports: Elon Musk warned in last night’s interview that artificial intelligence could lead to “civilization destruction,” even as he remains involved in the growth of AI through his companies, including a rumored new venture. “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production, in the sense that it is, it has the potential however, small one may regard that probability, but it is non-trivial and has the potential of civilization destruction,” Musk said in his interview with Tucker Carlson, which is set to air in two parts on Monday and Tuesday nights. Musk has repeatedly warned recently of the dangers of AI, amid a proliferation of AI products for general consumer use, including from tech giants like Google and Microsoft. Musk also joined a group of other tech leaders in signing an open letter calling for a six-month pause in the race for AI development.

Satire AI generated deep-fake video created with AI and shared by Jack Posobiek to Twitter.

This is part-1 of 2 Tucker Carlson Elon Musk interviews. Part two comes tonight on the Tucker Show on Fox News at 8:00 Eastern time. I plan on adding the second interview to this post. Or I may combine both into a single video. So bookmark my site and please help me get the truth in politics out into the public as I see it by sharing this with your friends and commenting below. It’s much appreciated! 😎

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