Mark Levin: Our Homeland Is Being Destroyed!

You Gotta Love, ole Mark Levin. When he gets wound up, pay attention. He and I, among other MAGA Republicans, can see the picture here. As he says in this FoxNews video, Our Country IS Being Destroyed! And it is Marxism being pushed by the Democratic Party, whose motto is, Party Before Country! 😡

Fox News host Mark Levin says the whole rule of law is being destroyed in America on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’

The whole Democratic Party is Pushing Marxism and destroying our once Great Country, BUT Donald Trump will soon be saying his praises MAGA; WE Made America Great, Agan, and it’s Staying That Way!

  • The mainstream media are opinion spreaders who do not tell the Truth about the TRUE state of our once proud nation. We as a country are BROKE and Trillions in debt. The Democrat Party has a niche in manipulating social media and does it well—the same with the major TV networks.
  • Some of our Democrat congressmen and state representatives do not work for us; they work for themselves. Doing their dirty kickback deals and rinsing the money through Ukraine and other foreign countries. and laundering the money back deals, like Ukraine, where our tax dollars go.
  • Congress is playing the stock market with Insider Information. Martha Steuart did a short stretch in a camp cupcake for dumping stock that would flop the next day. Oh, I see here: Prison for Martha Stuart, and the democratic party wants Donald Trump to die of old age in a federal prison.
  • Look at all the millions Anthony Fauci and Nancy Pelosi’s Husband made with Insider Information during the COVID-19 pandemic. As millions died, they were bankrolling the profits.

I could think of more examples of what the Democratic Party is doing to destroy our homeland, but I’m sure you’ll get the point if y’all are paying attention! The power they have with big tech is downright spooky. As I was writing the above bullet point text, they all disappeared in front of my eyes on the last one. But thankfully, I got them back. WordPress creates automatic post revisions. I saved a draft, dumped my cache, and rebooted my POS Windows 11. Then, I enabled the Free CloudFlare Warp VPN. Then, I restored the last post revision. And are about to click submit.

Judge Aileen Cannon indicates that she might dismiss the classified documents case against Donald Trump due to selective prosecution.

Are YOU Paying Attention Yet? This is a severe problem for our homeland. So, let’s figure this out quickly. Our politicians have sold out America, starting with Bill ‘Bubba’ Clinton’s NAFTA trade agreement. American corporations fled overseas, where labor was cheap. Today, the majority of US products are made in China. So, China is buying our land with our funds, and that needs to stop!! Remember America First!

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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