Illegal Migrants Must Be US Citizens To Vote!

If you want to vote In America’s Election, Get your Citizenship First. U.S. Citizen Voters only!

For example, my previous girlfriend from Bangkok, Thailand, said that Living in America and becoming a U.S. citizen was her ultimate goal. She achieved her goal by taking English classes and receiving her U.S. Citizenship in 2007.

Jareewan Lynch and Ed Koon on our first sdate
Jareewab Lynch and Edward Koon on our first date in Indian Rocks Beach, FL.

She migrated from Bangkok, TH, the proper way. Is it fair for those who immigrate to America the appropriate way when Illegal Immigrants get FREE Democratic voters unearned passes? HELL NO!!

Florida Politics Reports: Ron DeSantis blames high car insurance rates on ‘Bidenomics.’ That doesn’t tell the whole story. “The No. 1 individual itemized increase for inflation was auto insurance. This print today for just a month had a massive increase, and that’s difficult,” DeSantis said.

NBC News Reports: Consumer prices moved higher in March. Auto insurance costs were a significant reason. On average, drivers in the U.S. now pay nearly $200 a month for full coverage.

Webb's City Gasoline 10.0 Gallon
Webb’s City Gasoline 10.0. This lady ran out waiting int the gas war’s line. Image credit, St. Pete Times

Well, everything goes up and rarely comes down. I remember my young days growing up in downtown St Petersburg, FL. Gone are the days of gasoline for 19.9 at world-famous Webbs City. My car insurance on a late-model Kia went up, too. My policy through State Farm went from $51 to $57 monthly. State Farm is the lowest-cost car insurance if you have a clean driving record, meaning no tickets or accidents in three years. I’m 72 years old and never had an accident, and my last traffic ticket was in 1982 on a fast motorcycle. I sold it to a buddy who lost his license six months later. I remember a cartoon from yesteryears of a teenager holding a broken piston and connecting rod in his hand at a parts store. The counterman said, Speed costs money, son; just how fast do you want to go? Or drive like hell; you’ll get there quicker!

Speaking of State Farm Auto Insurance, I also have a driver beacon that tracks my driving habits. I believe SF was the first insurance company to offer a version called Drive Safe and Save. I wrote an informative review on Drive Safe and Save. I was getting bagged on stopping. It took a while as I relearned my braking habits. The bottom line is I’m saving money. Call your local State Farm agent for a quote.

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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