Republicans File Articles Of Impeachment Against President Joe Biden!

A group of House Republicans, headed by Rep. Bob Gibbs, Brian Babin and Randy Weber of Texas, has filed articles of impeachment against President Biden over his handling of the immigration crisis at the southern border and his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. And DHS is using UNSPENT Trump border wall construction funds to build a wall around Joe Biden’s summer beach home in Delaware, AKA the Summer White House. So as heard’s of migrants and their children stream into America, Joe says, Security for me on Your Dime, but none for American Citizens!

Hannity: Biden a cognitive mess during town hall building wall around DE beach house

Fox News Sean Hannity reports: In his Opening Monologue on Friday, Sean Hannity ripped President Joe Biden for what he characterized as hypocrisy after reports surfaced that the Delaware Democrat will have a fence built around his summer home in Rehoboth Beach at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer. Hannity goes on to criticize the president for what turned out to be an applause line during his Baltimore town hall on Thursday, wherein he “mock[ed] Americans’ obsession with freedom” by invoking the First Amendment mantra in comments criticizing police officers who refuse to submit to the coronavirus vaccine.

New York Post reports: The southern border with Mexico is seeing the highest levels of illegal border crossings in 35 years, but the Department of Homeland Security has found one access point it can shore up and is doling out $455,000 to a Delaware construction company for a fence around President Biden’s “Summer White House.” The contract started on Sept. 21 and is expected to end on Dec. 31. Construction of the fence is expected to end by that date. The DHS is listed as the main awarding and funding office of the contract while the US Secret Service is listed as the subagency. Additional information and details about the fence have not been publicly released. 

So as Gas Prices soar high as an eagle flying over America, Joe boasts that he doesn’t see gas prices coming down until 2022. Blaming high gasoline prices on OPEC who Hates America, when HE shut down the Keystone Pipeline and gave a free pass to Hunter’s buddy Vladimir Putin!

The highest gas price in the Tampa Bay Area (up 46%) since the energy crunch shortage in 2008. Image credit, FidoSysop.

To Add Insult to Injury, the Biden Admin is resettling Afghan’s all across America, (AKA More Democrat Voters!) A recent headline reads, “Biden didn’t withdraw from Afghanistan. He brought Afghanistan to America.” And that’s just what he is doing. This article by News With Views says: At Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, a female U.S. Army sergeant suffered a sexual attack by an Afghanistan male refugee, one of 100,000 brought over to the USA by Joe Biden. Or, at least, by his handlers, the ones making decisions for him. Note that rape in the Islamic world is the standard operating procedure. Women do not possess any rights. Now, we’re seeing the results of mixing a 6th century culture/religion with a 21st century first world country: Big, Big, Big mistake!

Breitbart News reports: An Afghan male, reportedly brought to the United States by President Joe Biden’s massive resettlement operation out of Afghanistan, is accused of raping a teenage girl in Missoula, Montana. Zabihullah Mohmand, a 19-year-old Afghan male, was arrested and charged with raping an 18-year-old woman in a Residence Inn Marriot hotel in Missoula on October 17. According to the woman, she met Mohmand at the hotel bar. Is Impeachment the answer?

New York Post reports: A group of House Republicans has filed articles of impeachment against President Biden over his handling of the immigration crisis at the southern border and his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to a report.​ Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio), who is leading the effort, said Biden violated his oath of office, in the three articles he filed on Tuesday. ”Yesterday, I filed three articles of impeachment against President Biden based on what I believe to be clear violations of his duties as president,” Gibbs said on his Facebook page. He is co-sponsor of the articles along with Reps. Andy Biggs of Arizona and Brian Babin and Randy Weber of Texas. 

impeachment of Joe Biden
We’re just getting started! Invest in the truth it will set you free! #MAGA we need honest platforms! Image credit, Unknown.

What good will impeachment do? If Joe Biden is successfully Impeached, he will be replaced with Kamala Harris. If Harris is impeached too, she will be replaced by Nasty Nancy Pelosi. That for sure will be further detrimental for our country. In my humble opinion, The Republican Party should grow a pair, and stop worrying about committing career suicide, and Save America! 🙂

Convince every state in the nation’s Governors to order a full forensic audit of the 2020 election in their states, Prove without a reasonable doubt Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee cheated. Then toss Biden out. Replace him with the rightful president, Donald J. Trump!


“His willful negligence of the border crisis is a failure to maintain and defend American sovereignty. Biden’s attempts to extend a federal eviction moratorium despite the Supreme Court’s warning and his own admission that he has no power to do so is a blatant and intentional action that violates the separation of powers​,” Gibbs continued. Gibbs claimed in the articles that Biden released thousands of migrants into the US without ordering them to appear in court for an immigration hearing on a specific date. Biden also allowed migrants who tested positive for the coronavirus to enter the US, Gibbs said. He said Biden extended the eviction moratorium despite a ruling by the Supreme Court urging him to get congressional approval first. Kick Joe OUT and put Trump In!

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