Law & Order SVU Slams InfoWars Alex Jones In PizzaGate Spinoff

NBC Law and Order Special Victims Unit (SVU) aired Season 18, Episode 17, titled Real Fake News. The storyline broadcast Wednesday night features a PizzaGate-based conspiracy theory website. This SVU episode appears to be directed at InfoWars publisher Alex Jones a Donald Trump supporter!

PizzaGate Regurgitated By NBC News

The PizzaGate scandal featuring Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was regurgitated by NBC SVU as a slam toward InfoWars Alex Jones. PizzaGate was sizzling hot back during the presidential election with the popular hashtag trending on Twitter. Alex Jones was one of many publishers that ran with the story. So here we are with Donald Trump celebrating his presidency’s 1st 100 days. And there’s an all-out war going on about fake news. The lamestream media are doing everything in their power to discredit Trump.

This is a point in time where any conservative is being targeted by left-wingers. By now PizzaGate had fizzled into oblivion. So here comes NBC attacking Alex Jones, a Trump supporter, and conservative. Can you all smell the vindictive spirit cooking blood coming from NBC? They regurgitated PizzaGate and depicted Alex Jones as the website owner Duca in their storyline. Getting back at Trump through InfoWars!

From InfoWars: In the episode, a US congressman tells investigators he’s been hacked and is now being targeted online by “fake news.” The congressman says the fake news website claims he’s a pedophile who frequents child sex parties at a Chinese restaurant. As investigators visit the restaurant, a gunman walks in demanding they release children who he believes are locked in the basement. The SVU detectives also learn about the website which spread the unconfirmed reports.

NYPD investigators then confront the website’s owner, Ron Duca, a character seemingly modeled off Alex Jones right down to his hair. Duca claims his publishing of the congressman’s leaked emails is a public service. He further claims it’s his right under the First Amendment as a journalist.

Angered by the website, the detectives discuss having the Jones-Esque conspiracist arrested. At one point, the Jones-like character is also confronted by the lead SVU investigator who calls him a fraud. You write stories that you know are false to create hysteria and panic, the lead female detective tells Duca.

And just when things seem resolved, the episode ends with the congressman shot dead at the restaurant by a second ‘self-investigating’ gunman. Leaving Benson to grimace over his dead body while the restaurant owner pleads, is this ever going to stop?

The fictional episode is rife with marginal parallels to the recent “pizzagate” drama, in which online conspiracies tied Hillary Clinton staffers and a DC pizzeria to an underground pedophile network. Dubbed “pizza gate,” the conspiracy began when Wikileaks released emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, which online researchers claimed contained multiple ambiguous references to pedophilia.

Benson refuses to let a peddler of fake news walk away after the damage he’s caused.

Interestingly, the detectives do uncover a separate child sex ring after reading the Infowars-style website. While the episode attempts to frame Infowars as the originator behind the Pizzagate conspiracy, rumors had been swirling months before the topic appeared on the site. Doc’s opinion is NBC SVU produced their episode as a slam toward Jones who helped put Donald Trump in the Whitehouse. As to who originated the PizzaGate theory, we have no idea. Jones like many other publishers ran with it!

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