Trump And DeSantis Should Team Up To Eradicate The Swamp!

In my humble opinion, Donald Trump & Ron DeSantis should team up to Eradicate the D.C. Swamp. It does not make sense to start a feud the Hatfields and McCoys would be jealous of, which is gaining traction after Ron’s public statement on the Soros Funded Manhatten DA Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of Donald Trump. Can you all imagine what a team these two would make? Ron would learn a lot from Donald on how the White House operates and by 2028 he would be an easy win for the presidency!

Gov. Ron DeSantis makes a statement on possible Donald Trump indictment. Video credit, PostMellinneal/Rumble

However, we are dealing with a candidate and a possible candidate who both have really big egos. Just about every Republican has witnessed how Donald Trump made America Great Again in his first term and believes he is the only president that can turn our county around in a positive stance. Tear up ALL of Joe Biden’s executive orders that have put America in economic decline, and get rid of the warmongers!

Trump suggests DeSantis might be gay in latest feud smear tactic. Video credit, DavidPakman/YouTube

But, If they both run for president they will be taking votes away from each other. In my opinion, there is too much negative energy being unloaded on social media and elsewhere. The lamestream DNC media is having a heyday picking at Trump who appears to be jealous of DeSantis. America Needs Both Of Y’all!

Trump And DeSantis
Don and Ron should put their brains together for the sake of our homeland’s restoration! Image credit, NYT

This subject has been bugging me for some time so I decided to blog this article. I’ve learned the hard way that negativity is a waste of energy, that got me nowhere in life or business adventures. I love both of these guys. I was never prouder about my country’s turnaround since the Ronald Reagan days until Donald Trump was our best president ever and kept his word and did just that by Making America Great Again. I’ve no doubt he can do it again, but he needs a strong vice president who he can trust. I’m a 71yo Florida resident from the Tampa Bay area. Ron DeSantis is without a doubt the best governor Florida ever had in my lifetime. Like so many other Floridians I would certainly miss Ron if he teamed up with Donald Trump, but I feel that would be in our homeland’s best interest. Just my thoughts n the subject! 🙏

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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