Al Sharpton Minority Activist Stirring Up Trouble In Baltimore

Anywhere there is racial tension, here comes Reverend Al Sharpton enticing hatred and helping to inflame the situation. So the so called good reverend has inserted himself into the feud between President Donald J. Trump and Maryland Rep Elijah Cummings.

Al Sharpton NAN
Rev. Al Sharpton instigating trouble slams President Trump over his tweets calling attention to Elijah Cummings rat infested district.

This blog post has nothing to with race or racism. It’s about Mr. Sharpton inserting himself into situations where DemocRats are using the race card to attack president Trump. He’s all over TV and social media agitating trouble that’s bordering on inciting violence in Baltimore.

From the Baltimore Sun: Activist and media personality the Rev. Al Sharpton criticized President Donald Trump, who has posted multiple tweets bashing Baltimore and U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, while attending an home ownership event Monday at a city church.

He has a particular venom for blacks and people of color, Sharpton said about Trump, speaking outside New Shiloh Baptist Church in West Baltimore. He stood in front of a banner bearing the logo of his National Action Network and the slogan, No Justice, No Peace. “Trump is playing a race-divisive card,” Sharpton said of the president.

Rev. Al Sharpton has his own dark side. His National Action Network (NAN) has been accused of profiting off minority deaths and grief. In this Project Veritas video, Eric Garner & Trayvon Martin Family, Michael Brown Lawyer Say Al Sharpton Exploited Their Tragedies for profit.

Rev. Al Sharpton has been called a con artist more than once. He’s in-it for the money, and has no conscious when his actions help start riots burning businesses to the ground. He loves stirring the pot so to speak, and shows up ready to grab a buck wherever racial tension exists.

al sharpton instigating trouble
Baltimore Police form a perimeter around a CVS pharmacy that was looted and burned in Baltimore

President Donald J. Trump is doing an exceptional job Making America Great Again. Trump is not a racist, and cares for ALL Americans, regardless of their race. RemocRats, like those rodents in Baltimore, run with their race card because it’s all they have left! 😆

I have to applaud President Trump for exposing Baltimore Rep Elijah Cummings, pointing out what a GhEttO his district is. Nobody should be forced to live in squalor. And that also goes for Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters whose districts have people living on city streets!

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