Donald Trump KAG2018 Landers Center Rally in Southaven MS 10/02/18

President Donald Trump held another Keep America Great Rally last night at Landers Center Arena. He stuck it to Professor Blasey Ford, mocking her “I don’t remember” testimony against Brett Kavanaugh. Though the president mostly talked about Kavanaugh, he rallied in support of Senate candidate (R-MS) Cindy-Hyde Smith.

Donald Trump KAG2018 Rally in Landers Center
President Trump supporters wait in line to hear their president speak in Southaven MS Tuesday night. Despite the sweltering southern heat outside, Landers Center Arena was at full capacity.

They’ve been trying to destroy Judge Kavanaugh since the very first second he was announced because they know he will follow the constitution as written.

Another big message from the President was if you support him, then you must support the Republican ticket. I’ve got to say, 2020 is looking really good, President Trump said.

A crowd of thousands stood in line for hours under the blazing sun to hear the President stick to common themes from the economy to even building the wall. This was like a rock concert, the star came out and does his greatest hits, the songs we want to hear, lock her up, build the wall, etc. There’s no better entertainment than a Trump Rally! 😉

Team Trump is helping President Donald Trump Keep America Great in 2018! DNC Defectors are Welcome. Dems Just Vote Republican for your Trump Train Ticket!

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