Classic Cadillac Engine Offerings

A quick guide to Classic Cadillac Engines. We will start with the late 40’s as Cadillacs from the 50’s up are the most popular!

Cadillac 331 CID Engine

The Famous 331 cubic inch Cadillac V8. Introduced in 1949. A well loved and durable unit.

The 365 Cubic inch Cadillac V8. Introduced in 1956! While a larger displacement- many Cadillac Enthusiast prefer the 331 to the 365.

The 390 Cadillac V8- Introduced in 1959 – For the 1963 model year Cadillac redesigned its 390 V8 engine, modernizing the tooling used in the production line while optimizing the engine’s design. Although modern for the time-it shared the same layout and architecture with the 1949-vintage engine.

The Cadillac 429 V8- Introduced in 1964. A real workhorse and known for longevity- it lasted until the 1967 model year with some changes. This was the last year the 331 block was used as it had reached its capacity for larger displacement.

The Cadillac 472 V8- Introduced in 1968 as A Brand New Cadillac Engine! Known as a torque monster and used in conjunction with the 500 V8 from 1970 until 1974. Important to note the 500 Cadillac V8 was exclusively used only in the Eldorado until 1974. For 1975 and 1976 all Cadillacs except the small SeVille had the 500 V8.

The Cadillac 500 V8- Introduced in 1970 and installed only Eldorados until 1974. The Cadillac 500 lasted until the 1976 Cadillac model year.

The Cadillac 425 V8- Introduced in 1977 for the new downsized Cadillac Cars. An excellent and durable unit which was used until 1979.

The Cadillac 368 V8 – Introduced in 1980 and used also in the infamous 1981 cylinder deactivation debacle. It survived well into the 80’s in Professional Cadillacs such as hearses and limousines. The 368 marked the end of the Cadillac line for Cast Iron V8’s. Another well loved and excellent unit.

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