Maine Kicks Donald Trump Off States Ballots | Vote MAGA Forever!

Politico Reports: Maine’s top election official Shenna Bellows, ejected former Potus45 President Donald Trump from the state’s ballot on Thursday, declaring him ineligible to serve as president because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on Congress which was a Pelosi Trump Trap! The American People Will Not Stand For Election Interference on any Level. Y’all may see a REAL Insurrection! 😡

The ruling by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a Democrat, is certain to inflame a roaring national debate over whether the Republican presidential frontrunner should be allowed to hold power again.

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows joins after ruling that Trump is ineligible to appear on the state ballot under the 14th Amendment. 
Maine Trump Election Interference
Maine Trump Election Interference

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One Thought to “Maine Kicks Donald Trump Off States Ballots | Vote MAGA Forever!”

  1. D3F1ANT

    Imagine being SO afraid of losing power that you need to steal an election and then ban your opponent in the next one? LOL!

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