Alex Stovall AZ GOP Candidate Two-Faced RINO Trashing Republican’s

Alex Stovall AZ GOP Candidate is revealed in this undercover video trashing his own Republican party. This my friend’s is the making of a classic political RINO (Republican In Name Only), someone who will side with the rest of the DemocRats. 🐀 Once again James O’Keefe and his professional staff at Project Veritas Action have proven to America how valuable their journalism truly is!

AZ Republican Congressional Candidate Alex Stovall Contradicting Public Statements. Video credit, Veritas/YouTube

Project Veritas Action Fund released a new video today featuring undercover footage recorded by a whistleblower which shows Arizona Republican Congressional Candidate, Alex Stovall, describing how he deceives GOP voters and donors.

  • You don’t win Arizona by being super right Republican, Stovall said. Have you ever played spades or go fish? You never show all your cards, right? That’s the problem, and that’s why I’m going to win, and other people probably won’t. Yes, I’m a conservative, but I’m not going to beat on my big old monkey chest running around telling a whole bunch of people I am.

In one instance, Stovall discusses how he will hide a potential endorsement from former Potus-45 President Donald Trump from the public. 😡

  • More than likely, he’ll endorse me, but I’m not going to publicly advertise it. Why? Look around you, he said. I like Trump, I liked his policies, but he wasn’t liked by the people. Everybody that hears his name, can’t stand him, says Stovall of Trump. 

Despite an online appearance of Stovall that features pictures of the Republican candidate with the likes of Candace Owens and Madison Cawthorn, he has negative things to say about them both.

  • No, I don’t have respect for Candace Owens anymore. Will I take her donation and take her donors? Absolutely, but it goes no further than that, Stovall said of Owens. “I would never invite her to a Christmas Party. But he didn’t stop there. Yeah, the Republican party is disgusting to me. Like, when people try to say I’m a Repub, I’m a Moderate, don’t get it twisted, said Stovall. 

I’m not a part of the country club. The stuff that they’re doing, it should be criminal, and they should all be thrown in prison, Yes, the McCarthys, the Cawthorns, the whole audit bullcrap thing that they’re doing. It’s just another way to funnel money from the American people.

Update 6 Hours later. AZ GOP Alex Stovall REFUSES Comment When Questioned Over Undercover Video. Damn right he’s not commenting as the Titanic slips under the Icy Atlantic, taking him with it! Video source, Veritas/YouTube.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!

In the footage, Stovall contradicts public statements he’s made on a litany of issues including Arizona’s 2020 election audit. The whole audit bull crap thing that they’re doing. It’s just another way to funnel money from the American people. These revelations are a stark contrast from statements he made at CPAC of this year with Right Side Broadcasting where he said, I try to tell people the audit is paramount. Alex Stovall is currently scheduled to be a guest speaker at Turning Point Action at the upcoming AmericaFest event in Phoenix. 

Alex Stovall
Alex Stovall the AZ GOP up and coming RINO and Traitor to his GOP party. Image credit, Stovall campaign website.

I believe Mr. Stovall just sunk his own ship running his mouth to insiders in his campaign. He reminds me of FL Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum when one of his staffers ran his mouth about us Florida Crackers. James O’Keefe surely helped Gillum lose to Ron DeSantis, the Sunshine States’ current governor. Arizonians beware ~ theirs’s a RINO Snake in the grass! 🐍

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

3 Thoughts to “Alex Stovall AZ GOP Candidate Two-Faced RINO Trashing Republican’s”

  1. edward o'neill

    F Deviate!!

  2. dunce

    Project Veritas doing the the lords and the GOPe work for them.

  3. Ebola

    lol, what a homo

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