Supply Chain Woes As Transportation Sec Buttigieg On Maternity Leave

Democrat Privilege at its finest, or absolute worst, depending on what side of the political White House fence you are on. It’s the Mayor Pete Buttigieg Documentary, coming to Amazon Prime Video. Now we know one of many reasons our country is screwed up, under the Biden Admin!

Mayor Pete will take viewers inside Buttigieg’s campaign to be the youngest U.S. President, providing an unprecedented intimacy with the candidate, his husband Chasten, and their team. Video credit, Amazon/YouTube.

This film reveals what really goes on inside a campaign for the highest office in the land and the ways it changes the lives of those at its center. Documentary filmmaker Jesse Moss says he set out to make a political movie about Pete Buttigieg’s bid for the Democratic presidential nomination but wound up with much more. The then-South Bend mayor granted Moss behind-the-scenes access from the start of the campaign when it consisted of a staff of five working out of a small office in the city. Moss, whose “Boys State” documentary won the Grand Jury Prize in the U.S. Documentary division at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival, was no novice. But as the campaign gained traction and scaled up quickly, he said, he “discovered it was like holding on to a streaking comet.”

mayor Pete documentary
Now that’s how to breastfeed the newest member of the family. Image credit, Gab.

The eye-opening film tracks Buttigieg’s time on the campaign trail as the first gay candidate with a serious shot at winning the Democratic nomination. Buttigieg dropped out of the race when it became clear that Joe Biden would be the moderate candidate left standing at the end and endorsed Biden shortly after. Buttigieg’s endorsement was seen as a pivotal moment in the Biden campaign. Buttigieg, Biden’s Transportation Secretary, may not have made history as the first gay President, but he is the first out gay man to serve as a Cabinet Secretary. Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten, recently welcomed twins into their homes and hearts.

America awakens to wokeism vows to vote RED from now on!
America awakens to wokeism vows to vote RED from now on! Image credit, Juanita Broaddrick Twitter.

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One Thought to “Supply Chain Woes As Transportation Sec Buttigieg On Maternity Leave”

  1. Vetmike

    Calling a pig a parrot does not change the fact that a pig is a pig.

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