FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Sues Biden Admin Over Mandate Related Lost Jobs

FL Gov. Ron DeSantis sued today against the Biden Admin over the illegal Vaccine Mandate targeting federal contractors who are required to show proof of vaccination or weekly COVID tests of their employees. DeSantis called Biden’s Vaccine Mandate a heavy-handed mandate never authorized by Congress. Our RED State Governor is protecting the jobs of Florida workers!

Florida is Blessed to have Ron DeSantis as our Governor protecting the RED State’s jobs! Video credit, WESH-2 News.

Tampa Bay Times reports: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody filed another lawsuit against the U.S. government Thursday, challenging the rule requiring companies that are federal contractors to show proof of vaccination or weekly COVID tests of their employees and calling it a “heavy-handed mandate never authorized by Congress.” The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Florida’s Tampa division, is one in a series of lawsuits against the federal government’s COVID-19 protocols, specifically the vaccine mandates, imposed by President Joe Biden. It seeks to halt the implementation of the Dec. 8 deadline that applies to federal contractors.

“We are going to seek a preliminary injunction so that this mandate isn’t allowed to be imposed at the expense of the jobs of Floridians,’’ DeSantis said at a news conference in Lakeland.

Ron DeSantis
Florida Jobs
Red State Governor Ron DeSantis announced his lawsuit against the Biden Admin protecting Floridian’s jobs. Image credit, WPTV.

I have to consider myself lucky to live in Florida. Nothing beats life in the Red states Sunshine. No heavy-handed Democrat policies intended to rip America apart from within. Ron DeSantis is a pit bull with teeth!

Good Cops wanted in Florida
FL Gov. Ron DeSantis to offer Good Cops a $5k relocation bonus. Image credit, Car Scoops.

Florida is offering Good Cops jobs working in Florida if they are out of work due to vaccine mandate. Good Cops are needed in Florida. Come join our top-notch law enforcement team. The RED State, headed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) leads the way in Law Enforcement Excellence!

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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