Trump Rally Tulsa OK 06/20/20 Instant HD Replay

What a Rally is all i can say. Normally I wait until the next morning to watch president Trump’s latest rally then blog it. But last night I watched the Trump Rally live and what a show! America’s best president spoke for nearly two hours getting his point across that America will be doomed if Democrats take over. President Trump ragged on senile Joe Biden the yes man puppet if elected.

President Trump’s Rallies always have a high entertainment value and are very informative!

Naturally democrats and their lobbyists had to try pulling their dirty tricks. Time reports Since the rally’s announcement on June 10, the campaign had promised a huge turnout. Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted last week that more than 1 million people had requested tickets for the event, which had initially been planned for Juneteenth and rescheduled after a swift backlash.

Anticipating an overflowing crowd, the campaign had even prepared a stage outside Tulsa’s BOK Center where the President could address supporters. President Donald Trump himself had said earlier in the week that he expected a “record-setting crowd” despite the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We’ve never had an empty seat, and we certainly won’t in Oklahoma,” said Trump.

trump rally tulsa

But ultimately, the turnout did not stand up to the campaign’s expectations. The outdoor events did not materialize, presumably as it became clear that there weren’t even enough supporters to fill all of the empty seats in the arena, let alone a sizable overflowing crowd. A Tulsa Fire Department spokesperson told Forbes that only 6,200 people attended the rally less than half the venue’s 19,200 seating capacity.

After the rally, Parscale claimed that “radical protesters” had blocked Trump supporters from entering the venue. However, police officers on-site told the LA Times that the entryway had not been blocked for long, and that no one had been prevented from entering the space.

Although clear evidence does not yet exist for why the campaign’s expectations did not square with the lackluster attendance, some reports said that there might have been an unlikely culprit: an alliance of teenagers on TikTok and fans of Korean pop music. Democrats dirty tricks.

Yet another reason to Vote Republican straight ballot!

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