Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Campaign Scamming Hurricane Victims

In a Fundraising Email for Hurricane Michael Relief, Senator Bill Nelson Directs donors to ActBlue. An organization that helps Democrats raise money and saves donor emails for future fundraising efforts. Bill Nelson has no shame “It’s anything to win!” 😡

Bill Nelson Scamming Hurricane Victims
en Bill Nelson (D-FL) running for reelection sent out a solicitation email to aid hurricane victims, but did not disclose the funding site was fundraising for the DNC not hurricane Michael Aid.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D) sent out an email encouraging people to donate money for hurricane Michael disaster relief. He included links to nonprofit groups that provide aid. But he did not disclose that the links for each group direct users to the website of ActBlue. A fundraiser site that raises money and saves donor emails for future fundraising efforts.

Hurricane Michael hit Florida on Wednesday as a category 4 storm, leaving hundreds of thousands of Floridians without power and killing at least four people in the state. After the storm devastated the Florida Panhandle, it hammered Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia, killing at least another two people—a child in Georgia and a man in North Carolina. In total, nearly 1.1 million people in six states have been left without power.

It’s Bill Nelson who played Hillary Clinton’s Russia Card during Florida’s Primary! 😡

He said “Russia has already penetrated certain election systems in the state and they now have free rein to move about”. This is no fooling around time and that’s why two senators reached out to the election apparatus of Florida, which was a LIE Bill Nelson told.

We want you to know Russians are in your records and all they have to do is go in and start deleting registered voters. You can imagine the chaos that would occur on Election Day when the voters get to the polls and told I’m sorry Mr. Smith you’re not a registered voter. That’s exactly what the Russians want to do to  chaos in our democratic institutions.

It’s time for ole “Russia Card” Bill Nelson to retire from politics. Lets give him the boot from Washington to the golf course where he belongs. Give your vote to Rick Scott (R-FL) our current Florida governor and US Senate candidate. Rick Scott has worked hard for Florida and earned our trust. He will continue to work hard as our US Senator.

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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