Is Robert Mueller Working a Reverse Sting On Hillary Clinton

Could ole Robert Mueller be working with Donald Trump to sting crooked Hillary Clinton and corrupt Barack Obama, and his Deep State? This sounds crazy, but all the dirt Mueller has dug up so far has been on Clinton and her cronies. 😆

In a recent Skype call Bill Mitchell and Alex Jones (InfoWars) discussed this very possibility. As Mitchell said, this is Robert Mueller’s last rodeo. It’s his last chance to gain world wide respect and credibility bringing down Clinton and her associates.

A little over a year ago, during the Presidential debate, Donald Trump declared. If he won, he would instruct his attorney general to get a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton. In response Clinton said. It’s good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country. Donald Trump interrupted her with a phrase that brought thunderous applause, he said: “Because you’d be in jail.”

Dunno.. But as that old saying goes – It’s not over until the fat lady sings.

Oh well.. As usual.. Just my two cents worth! 😎

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