Carmen Yulin Slams Donald J Trump But Don’t Mention Union Strike

San Juan Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin went on this media attack slamming Donald J Trump over the islands aid situation. However mayor Yulin fails to mention over 10,000 containers sitting in port because of corruption! 😡

Corrupt Mayor Yulin attacks Donald J Trump
San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin blames Donald J Trump for supply problem. Does not mention the 10,000 containers stuck in port because of driver union strike

President Trump has done an excellent job getting much needed aid to hurricane Maria disaster stricken United States Territory. Trump also waived the merchant marine act of 1920 AKA the Jones Act freezing shipping restrictions to Puerto Rico.

Several reputable blogs are reporting that government corruption and truck driver union strike in Puerto Rico is to blame for this non delivery of aid supplies. In this link a police officer talks about corruption in the mayors office (in Spanish) English translation is also on our media attachment page.

President Donald Trump discusses the short-term (relief) and long-term (recovery) efforts for Puerto Rico. As everyone is aware, even before the storm the island territory was under financial collapse as a result of Democrat mismanagement and generational political agendas’ creating a culture of dependency.

Hurricane Maria has exacerbated Puerto Rico’s problems and is showcasing a governmental structure incapable of governing during crisis. The media hypes the suffering, yet omits the Island’s inept systems of governance and the culture of dependency. The only way the U.S. federal government can assist effectively is by taking over almost every aspect of state and local government.

As President Trump points out in this impromptu press conference, congress has some decisions to make on the long-term future of Puerto Rico. Throwing money at the problem is futile when the recipient systems are fraught with ineptitude and corruption.

It’s nothing but corrupt liberal media attacking our president Donald J Trump. Carmen Yulin Cruza is a pawn falling for a line of political bullshit by the creator of Fake News corrupt and dishonest CNN and Anderson Cooper!

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