What’s Going On With Twitter? Is The Government Still Running It?

What’s going on with Twitter? Is the Democratic-controlled government still running it? I’ll start out by saying my FidoSysop account’s profile was locked after I started updating my profile. After updating my description and checking how it looked. Then I attempted to shorten my account name to just FidoSysop and updated the photo. At that time I received this notification. Your profile is under review. No new changes are allowed to the name and profile photo during the review period. It’s been well over a week with no reply from support or Elon Musk who has never replied to one of my Tweets. Why is this?


Update 04/16/22: Had another article I shared from the Daily Mail censored by Twitter. Their description was pasted into my tweet. “Married Oklahoma substitute teacher, 26, is arrested after she ‘made out with boy, 15, and sent him nudes’: Husband is town’s police chief.” Ouch, they labeled this tweet as containing “sensitive content” Trying to minimize damage to her husband, the police chief? This is the same Twitter Censorship as back when the DOJ and FBI were running it. Is Elon Musk is managing it?

Twitter Censoring Daily Mail
Is Twitter trying to minimize damage to her husband, the police chief?

Update 04/14/23: Last night on the Tucker Carlson Show was a story about a man in Louisiana who saved a baby Nutra Rat from sure death on a highway. I searched for the story with my iPhone while doing a major update to this web server (also using my iPhone) and came up with this YouTube video of the heartwarming story. Well wouldn’t you know, Twitter labeled the video as Sensitive Content!

Twitter Nutura Rat Story
Twitter has a stiff one for the good internet doctor by flagging this video as containing sensitive content.

Here’s the report Tucker aired last night. You see, big tech is all about controlling what messages get out to the public. This article as I predicted is not in either Bing, DuckDuckGo, or Google’s indexes. However many thanks to Whatfinger News for featuring it on their main page, as many folks viewed this post! 🙂

Dennis Lacoste and Myra Lacoste open up about rescuing their pet Nutria on Tucker Carlson Tonight. Video credit, FoxNews/YouTube

I’ve had this Twitter account since 2021 after deleting another @FidoSysop account that I had for well over a decade. That account was deleted because of shadowbanning and my tweets being hidden. I suppose my profile description triggered someone who is controlling Twitter. I doubt Elon Musk did these actions. From my bio: I’m a retired used car dealer turned webmaster and blogger hanging out in cyberspace observing my homeland going to hell under liberal leadership! 🐍 Must have triggered someone that has the power to restrict account modifications. It’s my thoughts and surly is the truth!

From 2017, Proof of Twitter ShadowBanning Conservative and Trump Supporters accounts!

I’ve never caused any trouble or deliberately antagonized anyone, other than calling out many candidates who were outright lying in tweets. BotSentinal.com rates my account as satisfactory but was rated Disruptive during the midterm campaigns as I called out lies pushed by candidates and troll accounts trying to manipulate the message. Twitter HATES the old self-educated Internet Web Doctor! 😥


Then this was received when today logging into my Twitter account: We put a warning message on these Tweets because they might have sensitive content — like nudity, sexual content, violence, gore, or hateful symbols. We know we don’t always get it right. So if you think we flagged your Tweet by mistake, you can appeal the warning by clicking on each Tweet. Keep in mind, this doesn’t guarantee it’ll be removed. An article from the Daily Mail about the Louisville Bank shooter Connor Sturgeon is current News!

These are my feeling about this situation. It’s obvious that the deep state still has a back-door connection to Twitter management. I don’t like what’s going on In my country these days. Wide open borders let who knows who into our country. Crime is out of control in many of America’s once-great cities!

The House Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on violent crime in Manhattan NY 04/17/23 Full. Video credit, CNBC/YouTube

Crime is so bad in NYC that there is a shortage of law enforcement officers. In fact this morning on Fox&Friends there was news of a new robotic dog and a surveillance robot. Wonder how they will hold up to a lead pipe? And looking like the hood is decorated with graffiti. Maybe get rid of Alvin Bragg and hire a DA who will lock up criminals, instead of going after political competition. This article scores 100% in Yoast SEO, but I doubt it will get indexed because of its title and my opinion on the content. 😡

Love America? 🇺🇸 Defend Her! 📣