Joe Biden’s 2016-2018 Missing Income Tax Returns Recovered

There’s lots of buzz going on in cyberspace about Joe and Jill Biden’s joint Federal Income Tax Returns which are allegedly missing from President Biden’s campaign website. Considering this subject interesting I managed to find those allegedly missing years of Biden’s federal income tax records. For 2016 the amount of income was $392,552. 2017 was $9,578,639. Joe and Jill Biden’s combined income reported in 2018 was $4,266,086. Checking the 2015 records, the page returned a 404 not found error.

Tucker on Joe Biden’s Tax Returns for 2016-2018 dissapear from his website. Video credit, FoxNews/Rumble

From Fox News: You may not remember a whole lot about it, but the second and final presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is actually a fascinating piece of history. And it’s well worth rewatching. We actually did it today because we had time off. Now, Trump showed up with a political kill shot. He had proof that Joe Biden had been selling access to the US government to hostile foreign regimes. Trump knew that, and we know it from the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

But Joe Biden, as you may recall, did not even respond. That’s “Russian disinformation,” he said. And then he went on the offense. “Show us your tax returns,” Biden demanded. “Show us your tax returns.” And, of course, Trump refused. Biden, by contrast, already set up a website called Joe to showcase his own recent tax returns because he had nothing to hide. Unlike Donald Trump, you can trust Joe Biden. That was the message. So now that we have Trump’s tax returns, what do they show? Well, they show that Donald Trump got a lot poorer once he got into politics. In fact, he may be the only person in Washington you can say that about. Whatever you think of Trump, it turns out he was not in it for the money. Hardly.

Joe Biden's 2016-2018 Tax Returns
Hunter Biden’s art studio and bags of alleged dirty money

As for Joe Biden, well, you can’t say that about Joe Biden. Joe Biden has never had a private sector job. For more than 50 years, he has worked at your expense for the US government. Yet somehow he’s gotten rich in the process. How did that happen? How did Joe Biden do that? Well, Joe Biden does not want you to know. So now, this is the great part. Joe Biden is the one who is hiding his tax returns. Joe no longer links to Joe Biden’s tax returns for the years 2016 to 2018. As of tonight, those links have been deactivated. If you go there, you will find yourself taken by force to Biden’s 2016-2018 Tax Returns Democratic party fundraising website. So in other words, stop asking questions and give us money.

Twitter is a valuable source for Citizen Journalism where political news spreads like wildfire. Chances are the mainstream media will not report the truth. There are numerous tweets saying Joe did not report that $50k per month Hunter Biden paid him. Whether or not it’s true or false we’ll soon find out. 😎

Here’s what I dug up from the source website, which has an invalid security certificate. I used a Tor connection to explore it, so visit it at your own risk. Considering Biden’s 2015 records page returned an HTTP 404 not found error the site could be scrubbing its records, but I downloaded them just in case! If the embedded pdf files do not show on mobile devices use the links below to download them.

I dunno, 2016 sounds about right for a vice president’s salary. But 2017 is a massive increase in reported earnings, minus deductions. 2018 was about half of the 2017s reported income by Joe and Jill Biden. Did some of that Income come from Hunter Biden who was paying dear old Dad $50,000 dollars in monthly rent for the Delaware property where Classified records were found behind Joe’s 1967 Corvette? 😉

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