Former Charlie Crist Colleagues Endorse FL Gov. Ron DeSantis!

Further driving a nail in the Crist campaign’s coffin, former Charlie Crist Colleagues and staffers endorse FL Gov. Ron DeSantis for governor. According to a source familiar with the campaign, Democrat gubernatorial candidate’s former colleagues and staff have unanimously endorsed Governor Ron DeSantis for re-election. As a lifelong Florida resident, Crist was the Worst Governor FL ever had!

DeSantis rips opponent Charlie Crist: ‘Worn out old donkey’ Video credit, FoxNews/YouTube

Florida’s Voice reports: According to a source familiar with the campaign, Democrat gubernatorial candidate’s former colleagues and staff unanimously endorsed Governor Ron DeSantis for re-election. Some of the former Charlie Crist colleagues include those who served under Crist in various of his previous elected positions, including being the Governor of Florida. Together, we have known Charlie in virtually all phases of his career and public life, the letter says. We are well-qualified to endorse in the Florida Governors’ race because we have significant experience in public service to the state of Florida. Governor DeSantis has delivered for Florida. He has led our state with courage and conviction. He has demonstrated his ability to lead us through difficult times, they went on. We stand with Governor DeSantis because the stakes are too high. We urge Florida to re-elect Ron DeSantis as our Governor.

Ben Garrison reports: The voters are shouting what they want their representatives to address. Their most essential issues include inflation, the high cost of fuel, open borders, and nuclear war. Yet the Democrats are ignoring the voters. They seem to be either intentionally tone-deaf or clueless or possibly both. The Democrats have their agenda and they to implement it. Will complaints from voters halt their quest to destroy America? It doesn’t look like it. The Democrats seem to be committing suicide. Either that or they’re confident they can steal another election. To the Democrats, issues such as ‘trans rights’ and ‘green energy’ trump inflation and sky-high rents. Abortion is more important than feeding your family! 😥

Charlie Crist Colleagues
A factual cartoon by Ben Garrison of GrrrrGraphics calls out the Democratic Party (DNC) as they truly are.

Both Ron DeSantis AND Donald Trump are having rallies on 11/06/22! Join us Sunday, November 6, 2022, at the Corner of A1A and Las Olas for a RALLY FOR RON!!! Bring your DeSantis Flags and American Flags and come ready for FUN as we wave our Great Governor Ron DeSantis across the finish line!! The Trump Save America Rally is also on the 6th at the Miami-Dade fairgrounds!

Charlie Crist Colleagues
DeSantis Rally 11/06/22 in Ft Lauderdale on the ocean. Image credit, Chris Nelson Twitter

So here’s the deal. It’s 12 days until the midterms and the Democrats are being slaughtered. There will undoubtedly be cheating in the swing states. This video tweet shows a later found-out rental car passing out mail-in ballots. We must be on guard at polling locations and watch for suspicious activity, like the above-linked car passing out mail-in ballots. That’s another reason to vote Full Ballot Republican! ❤

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

Love America? 🇺🇸 Defend Her! 📣