Cartoonist Ben Garrison Weighs In On His Facebook Suspension

Cartoonist Ben Garrison weighs in on his Facebook suspension. Most of us who follow the MAGA movement know who Ben Garrison is, or has seen his political cartoons floating around in cyberspace. Ben has a fantastic talent for putting his political thoughts into his cartoons and is loved by those of us Conservatives. The below was in his newsletter yesterday and It’s republished with additional details!

Cartoonist Ben Garrison
Ben and Tina Garrison are talented cartoonists that entertain us throughout the DNC madness. Image credit, Ben Garrison

Ben’s Take: Yesterday we were permanently kicked off of Facebook! 😡

For over ten years cartoonist Ben Garrison had a cartoon page on Facebook with many thousands of followers. We post all our cartoons on our website of course, but we used social media to get noticed as well. Twitter banned us at the same time they banned Trump in January of 2021. We received no clear explanation. We certainly didn’t violate their ‘community standards’ but we were caught up in a wave of anti-conservative censorship there, so that was that.

Cartoonist Ben Garrison
Social Media Freeway cartoon by Ben Garrison.

Our main verified cartoon page was banned permanently by Facebook two years ago, but we had a backup page with far fewer followers, so we continued to use that. Over the past two years, we faced numerous bans and deletions of cartoons that the Facebook censors found objectionable. Now they have banned our backup page permanently. Surprisingly, it wasn’t due to a cartoon that questioned Big Pharma’s ineffective and unsafe Covid vaccines. Instead, Tina had posted a 10-year-old cartoon I drew that explained the dangers of fluoridated water. I guess we are no longer allowed to question fluoride in our public water supply, even though many scientists continue to question it! Apparently, we were spreading so-called ‘misinformation,’ even though my cartoon was accurate.

Ben Garrison Cartoons
Migrants Voted Off Marthas Vinyads cartoon by Ben Garrison

Ben goes on to say,  I long ago deleted my personal Facebook page after getting banned one time too many. Tina deleted her page today, but it takes time for the page to go away. Our cartoon pages are gone from Facebook forever, thanks to an anti-free speech tyrant named Mark Zuckerberg. He’s more aligned with the Communist Chinese than he is with real Americans. Zuckerberg is a traitor!

My thoughts are. An old businessman once said, don’t get mad at your money. And that’s just what Mark Zuckerberg is doing to Facebook. It’s being reported by Sarah Palin that the CEO of Meta Platforms Inc. saw his fortune cut in half and then some. He lost $76.8 billion since September 2021, according to Forbes. Zuckerberg is now ranked at his lowest spot since 2014, sitting behind three Waltons and two members of the Koch family. Before this is all over Zuck will wind up cleaning toilets in China! 😎

It’s a short 28 days to the Midterm Election Day. Vote Republican straight ballot to Save America. Dems are suspected of cheating again! So don’t use the excuse “one vote does not matter” Go Vote! 😡

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