A Time For Choosing By Ronald Reagan Our Best President Of That Era

A Time For Choosing, By Ronald Reagan. During the 1964 Presidential campaign, Republican party officials who knew Reagan’s powerful message and delivery asked him to film a speech on behalf of their candidate, Barry Goldwater. The speech was aired on 10/27/1964, and it was electrifying. The Republican Party took note and they targeted Reagan as a candidate from that point on. Listen to his speech, we’re in that very same condition as a nation today. We need another Trump Presidency!

“A Time for Choosing” by Ronald Reagan. Video credit, The Ronald Reagen Foundation/YouTube

Table of Contents: 0:00 Choose My Own Words 1:42 We Haven’t Balanced Our Budget 2:14 As For The Peace That We Would Preserve… 3:28 Government is Beholden to The People 6:22 Government’s Involvement In The Farm Economy 8:26 The Assault on Freedom Carries On 10:18 The Need Grows Greater; the Program Grows Greater 12:37 What Are We Doing to Those We Seek to Help? 15:14 Barry Goldwater Thinks We Can 17:50 No Government Ever Voluntarily Reduces Itself 20:47 Democratic Opponents Seem Unwilling to Debate 23:55 Perhaps There Is a Simple Answer 27:17 You And I Have a Rendezvous With Destiny

America’s Best President of that era. She needs another Trump Presidency to MAGA Once Again. Image credit, The Nation

Ronald Reagan began a long side-career of public speaking as his acting career closed out. He traveled across the country meeting Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and any other civic-minded local groups. This continued and intensified during his service as the General Electric spokesperson while hosting their sponsored television series. “The Speech” was delivered in various forms and to different audiences as each word was honed, measured, and memorized. Visit the Reagan Foundation here.

President Reagan’s Address to the Nation on Independence Day on 07/04.1986. Video credit, The Reagan Foundation/YouTube

As you celebrate our Independence day this year take note of how far America has fallen since the Biden Admin AKA The NEW Liberal World Order made America Last! It’s imperative we stop our money going to other countries that could give two hoots about us. It should be America First not Last. We need Donald Trump to be our President once again to make America First and Great Again!

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