Has WW3 Started With Russia Invading Ukraine? Is America Ready?

Has WW3 Started with Vladimir Putin Invading Ukraine? He has threatened America with consequences if we help Ukraine or get involved with his plans to claim Ukraine as his own. My thoughts are, Is our allegedly compromised WOKE military up to the challenge to defend America? With WEAK Koe Biden as the commander in chief, it does not instill confidence. Joe’s been making Vladimir rich by buying our oil from Russia. The Keystone Pipeline was mainly under construction to pump Canadian Oil to the Gulf Coast to Export to Europe. So by Joe Biden shutting the Keystone Pipeline down, It forced Germany and others to buy Oil from Russia making Vladimir Putin Rich!

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the launch of a “special military operation” in Ukraine. Credit, ABC/YouTube

If we are going to fight a war with Russia, it might be a good idea to determine if our military is actually prepared to fight such a war first. Unfortunately, the answer is very clear. At one time, the U.S. possessed the greatest fighting machine ever assembled, but decades of neglect, incompetence, and cultural deterioration have taken a devastating toll. Just look at what happened in Afghanistan. After nearly two decades of fighting, we couldn’t even defeat a ragged bunch of drug dealers and goat herders known as the Taliban. In fact, the Taliban appears to be even stronger today than when we first invaded. And now I doubt we can take on Vladimir Putin’s large and strong Russian military force that Joe made even stronger by feeding him with American dollars buying barrels of Russian oil. 😥

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Partners in the oil and war business? Joe and Vlad? (satire) Image credit, Nikki Asia.

Frontpage Mag reports: Chief of Staff Charles Brown and Chief Master Sergeant Kaleth Wright have made diversity and wokeness into the core of the Air Force’s mission. Meanwhile, the planes won’t fly. Brown has spent the past few years unleashing worthless diversity reviews to try and blame the Air Force for a supposed lack of diversity, even though it now has a black chief of staff and a black top enlisted leader. The military justification for their divisive shenanigans was that diversity equated somehow to military readiness. I’m wondering has WW3 started, thanks to Joe, NOT!

How is the Air Force’s readiness? The latest numbers show that the Air Force has made no progress in improving the readiness of its planes with a rate of 71.5% or 7 out of 10 planes in 2021. The United States Air  Force is supposed to have mission-capable rates of 75% to 80%, but about the only aircraft that meet that criteria are unmanned drones. The high ratings of the drones disguise the fact that the actual numbers, when broken down by aircraft, are worse. The F-35As, the fifth-generation fighters that would be crucial in countering any sizable aerial engagement with Communist China, dropped from 76% to 68.8%. Last year, the Biden administration boasted about the largest deployment of F-22 stealth fighters in the Pacific. Unfortunately, their readiness is around 50%.

Deploying fighters with the readiness rate of a coin flip won’t impress Communist China. The F-15E, the workhorse fighter we rely on in every theater, is down from 69% to 66%, the F-15C is down to below 70%, and the situation is expected to worsen due to parts shortages. The C-130 Hercules, a backbone of our operation, has slipped below 70%. The CV-22 Osprey fell from 54% to 50%. The B-1 Lancer fell from 52% to 40%, and, at its worst, was at 10%. All in all, only one Air Force aircraft actually met mission-capable goals: the venerable UH-1N Huey which is three years older than Chief of Staff Brown. That’s not just a disgrace, it’s a catastrophe waiting to happen. Has ww3 started? If so we’re screwed!

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Woke U.S. Air Force C-130 troop transport aircraft satire-depiction by artist Bosch Fanstin.

Guess we’re gonna have to sit back and watch the news. Fox&Friends has mostly been televising the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, and that’s probably what the rest of the other (not advised) networks are drumming into their watcher’s minds. I read in a Tweet yesterday that one of those networks was blaming Ukraine for America’s high gasoline prices. We can not trust the media to tell us the truth!

All those snarky blue check tweets saying how glad they were Biden is in charge look really stupid right now!

Great space, on Twitter, is giving live voice updates, as the Russian Invasion of Ukraine begins. One person confirmed Ukraine has closed off its airspace. All planes are leaving other than the military.

One Thought to “Has WW3 Started With Russia Invading Ukraine? Is America Ready?”

  1. Major Kong

    With todays politicians and military leaders I believe we are going to lose if WWIII happens unless we change our politicians and military leaders ASAP.

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