Who Is Hunter Biden? This Fox Nation Documentary Is A Must Watch!

Who Is Hunter Biden? this Fox Nation Documentary digs down deep into the alleged Biden Crime Family foreign business dealings when Joe Was Barack Obama’s Vice President. As the rivers of dirty money came in Hunter was selling influence to his father, Joe. The documentary starts out when Hunter was a child. It covers Joe pulling strings to get Hunter in the Navy where he failed a drug test and was given the bum’s rush. His affair with deceased brother Boe’s wife. His crack cocaine binge while on Burisma Energy’s board of directors as money from China, Russia, and Ukraine, flowed in!

Who Is Hunter Biden Documentary Trailer. Video credit, Fox Nation.

Fox News reports: Who is Hunter Biden? As it turns out, there are deeper layers to that seemingly surface-level question. In a new four-part Fox Nation series, ‘The Five’ co-host Judge Jeanine Pirro chronicles the unhinged life of our president’s son like you have never seen before. “It matters because it’s all about pay to play,” Pirro previously told the Fox & Friends “It’s all about Hunter Biden, who’s had a lot of problems, providing access to the United States to people in Russia, people in China.”

Who is Hunter Biden?
Who is Hunter Biden? documentary. Image credit, Fox News.

Hunter’s twisted personal life was made public when a tranche of data from his laptop – left in a repair shop and apparently abandoned in 2019 including images of him appearing to smoke crack cocaine and engage in a sex act with an unidentified woman. Nearly one month before the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post published email correspondence that showed Hunter Biden introducing his father to a top Ukrainian energy executive. And the money flowed like a raging river!

The findings eventually led to a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee investigation of Hunter’s emails, after his business dealings raked in nearly $4.2 million.”You really can’t find any business venture that does not revolve around his father’s political power,” “Red-Handed” author Peter Schweizer said. “Joe Biden was assisting at every stage,” Devine echoed.

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