Amid Shipping Crisis, Biden Appoints Inexperienced Maritime Admin

The FAA is headed by a pilot, NASA is headed by an astronaut, the US Marine Corps is headed by a Marine but for the fourth time in a row, and during the worst shipping crisis of the century, the US Department of Transportation, has appointed someone to the US Maritime Administration (MARAD) who is highly decorated but not a captain, and has no commercial shipping experience.

Former Obama appointed economist tries to spin shipping crisis into favorable light and fails miserably.

Despite how Jason Furman tried to spin America’s shipping crisis, it’s a manmade crisis, and the credit goes to Joe Biden and nobody else! In my humble personal opinion, It’s part of whoever is running the white house’s plan to destroy America from within. And we ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until the vaccine mandates doom day comes as millions of American workers are forcefully fired for refusing to get vaccinated. The truck driver shortage is nothing compared to vaccine doomsday!

gCaptain reports: Yesterday afternoon, President Biden announced his intention to nominate Rear Admiral Ann Phillips, US Navy (Retired), as the next US Maritime Administrator, a position that has been vacant since Rear Admiral Mark Buzby stepped down following the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in January. Phillips is a highly decorated Navy leader with a long list of accomplishments and is highly respected by everyone gCaptain interviewed. She was head of the Navy’s Climate Change Task Force and is a highly sought-after consultant on climate security issues. She holds an MBA. She was chairman of a local government Sea Level Rise Preparedness and Resilience project. She once captained a Navy warship. The appointment looks great on paper except for one kinda big problem. This is not a warship position. It’s a commercial shipping appointment and she has zero experience aboard any commercial ships. She does not even have experience leading navy military sealift ships.

Freight Logistics Management reports: Trucks drive our economy. In fact, nearly seventy percent of freight in the US is transported using trucks. With such a large portion of our toys and necessities being delivered to us via trucks and truckers, the current truck driver shortage is sure to hit you in the wallet eventually since increased driver rates are typically passed on to the consumer. This article examines the current trucker shortage and solutions to overcome industry problems.

Fox News Reports: The California ports, where 36 percent of U.S. imports come from, are months behind in bringing in its cargo. One of the impacted industries is the toy industry, which is concerning to Toy Association President Steve Pasierb, who said Wednesday that kids might night not be able to get their present of choice if they’re buying closer to Christmas. 

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