Facebook’s Midterm War Room Combats Election Manipulation

Today’s big news is Facebook WAR ROOM. The war room as it’s called is Facebook’s nerve center to combat election manipulation and fake news. I’m thinking it’s a good idea, but will Facebook be removing conservative and Trump supporters content?

War Room
A glimpse into Facebook’s new War Room operations center brought online to combat midterm election fake news

NBC Savannah Guthrie was promoting the war room as a measure to prevent Russians from spreading fake news. We know the Clinton’s and DNC invented the Russian story after her stinging loss to Donald Trump! Facebook’s War Room to the rescue!

The DNC and liberal media has pushed the Russia story around the world. Nothing has changed. It’s the Democrats who are pushing violence toward members of congress and the senate. Plus inciting violence toward conservatives and Trump Supporters.

It’s just like it was after Crooked Hillary lost the presidential election to Donald J. Trump. You can bet your bippy the left will try to manipulate the midterm election. Broward County FL Brenda Snipes may be filling absentee ballots in to favor Andrew Gillum and Sen. Bill Nelson. Facebook to the rescue. It’s no secret that Facebook leans far to the left. If my FidoSysop page is zapped it’s because I’m promoting Republican candidates! 😥

Facebook War Room tour courtesy of TechCrunch: Beneath an American flag, 20 people packed tight into a beige conference room are Facebook’s, and so too the Internet’s, first line of defense for democracy. This is Facebook election security war-room.

Screens visualize influxes of foreign political content and voter suppression attempts as high-ranking team members from across divisions at Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp coordinate rapid responses.

The hope is through face-to-face real-time collaboration in the war-room, Facebook can speed up decision-making to minimize how misinformation influences votes.

Did Zuck get the War Room name idea from Alex Jones? 😆

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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