Despite Rumors Saying Doc Died, He’s Still Online!

Despite the rumors that are circulating in Cyberspace saying Doc died. It’s fake news. The good Internet Doctor is still online! The last three months have been really rough. I’ve been in two hospitals, one of them three times. Been in and I am still in one of the three now. It all started with a fall I had at Church on May 14th 23. They were having a blood drive and I climbed aboard the coach and started climbing the stairs. The next thing I remember is falling backward. I tumbled down the stairs landing hard on my left side in the church parking lot. I broke two ribs and did a number on my left leg. But I’m still having falls and nobody knows why! 🙁

On top of that, my girlfriend left me and I was living in her house. In her absence, her daughter and son-in-law served me with a 15-day eviction notice. The fall was on May 14 a day after I was served the eviction. I was in rehab when the 15 days came and went. I’m checking online in the county courthouse if anything had been filed in my name. But after a week of searching and finding nothing I was thinking everything would be fine, but it turned into the worst nightmare I have ever experienced. They had a yard sale and sold or gave away everything I owned! 😥

I was not allowed in the house and all I got was three large trash bags with my clothes stuffed inside. I’m a former used car dealer and ASE tech certified in mobile heating and air conditioning. Some of my tools were snap-on that I’ve owned for over 40 years. Gone, along with a two-computer network with a cabling router USB hub, 3 backup ups, and assorted hardware. TVs and a lot of other possessions I owned. What kind of person would rip off a 71-year-old disabled man?

Right now I’m more concerned about getting well. But being the good internet doctor A motto that worked well for me in the past when someone defrauds me. never get mad – get even. Back in the 60s and 70s we used what’s known back then as a shame car. Some old beater that’s made to look as ugly as possible. Spray paint the person’s name and what they did to get the shame car parked in front of their house. So since today, we have the internet. I wanted to give her a screwing in return for the worst screwing I’ve ever had. Personally saying I believe others were whispering in her ear, that guy is no good, get rid of him. Her family hates me. You might ask why is that? Well, a couple are druggies, and one’s a dealer. Maybe they’re jealous of me. Her brother who lives in the house hates me. I don’t know, but here’s the website I built for her, which is the digital equivalent of the shame car! 😎

Before she moved to North Florida I suggested she was making the biggest mistake in her life. She’s a good girl and we took good care of each other. But she is without a doubt the stubbornest bullheaded woman I ever met. A few months ago she nearly fell for a home warranty scam. I searched for the company offering this home warranty. It was a very common scam. She got angry with me for warning her. She had already given the person on the phone her credit card number. After talking to her daughter she canceled her card. Thanks, Ed for covering my ass!

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

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